The Circular economy

Circular Economy – Bitesize Session

Circular Economy is increasingly discussed as we look to make the most use of existing resources and reduce the amount of waste we produce.

Find out more about how to approach circular economy thinking in a business and home environment, navigate a pathway, seek out organisations to provide support, learn how to engage with the principles and take action within your business and home life to make the changes.

Our speakers Ann Beavis, Head of Sustainable Development at Crown Workspace and Gerrard Fisher, Partner at QSA will improve our understanding of circular economy, help to guide us through the opportunities and processes to achieve circular economy projects that will save on cost and resource and help to protect our planet. As part of their presentations Ann provides case studies to demonstrate circular economy projects and Gerrard discusses a new learning platform to guide companies through the circular business model journey.

Crown Workplace (Ann Beavis) presentation here

QSA Partners (Gerrard Fisher) presentation here

Article of the topic and top tips on how to be more circular here






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